Understanding private loan borrowers
Banking, Insurance & Real Estate
Insights & Concepts
Applied Methods

→ Qualitative user interviews
→ Expert interviews
→ Competitor analysis
→ Archetype
→ User journeys

Digital tools

1 month

Traditionally, offering private loans is perceived as bringing various challenges. To attract new customers and harvest it’s existing customer base as well as to explore if it was possible to shift the negative image of personal loans in Switzerland, bob Finance asked us to conduct broad-based customer research.
Set the stage
Qualitative research

Set the stage

Before beginning the research phase, we first defined research focus and planned the research process. This included recruiting interview participants, setting up relevant tools and formulating the questions around areas including customers, communication and image or perception.

Qualitative research

Over two weeks, we conducted qualitative user research to understand the contemporary needs and pain points of customers, former customers, potential customers, competitor customers and private loan brokers. A total sample of 60 interviews: 54 customers and 6 brokers was achieved. Additionally, we also provided desk research and benchmarking to gain insights into quantitative market developments, best practices and competitor offerings.


From this intense ethnographic study, we were able to build a customer and broker journey and capture 5 clear customer archetypes, outlining their different needs and behaviours during the private loan experience and highlighting pain points and opportunity spaces, where we could then provide recommendations for future improvement.


Interviews conducted


Customer archetypes


Question focus areas


Over the course of a month of intensive customer research we provided the team with many insights into the journey which customers go through when getting a personal loan. These findings and proposed strategies enabled the client to embrace their vision of becoming a trusted personal loan provider that supports customers along the entire customer journey.

Project Lead
Linda Armbruster
Director Collaborative Innovation
Linda holds an M.A. in Strategic Design from the design akademie berlin. As a trained Design Thinker from the Potsdam and Stanford d.school, co-founder of Spark Works and lecturer at the ETHZ, she builds and leads research and training programs in the private and public sector, blending methods grounded in Human-Centred Design to inform and inspire insight-driven innovation.
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