Unlocking business value with Blockchain
Manufacturing & Technologies
Innovation strategy
Applied Methods

→ Scenario building
→ Co-creation workshop
→ Creative brainstorming
→ User testing

Digital tools

1-day workshop

Blockchain is a buzzword and new technology that everyone feels they need to work with, but only very few actually understand what it is about, how it works and how they could apply it to generate value for their enterprise and customers.
Trend mapping
Scenario building
Strategy development

"This session was a very efficient way to get insights into different industries, it was conceptual but at the same time very practical and interactive. I have enjoyed the exercise of thinking beyond my own industry and incorporate different perspectives into the creation of novel applications for blockchain."

Workshop participant


different industries represented


customer journeys defined


use cases identified


We have organised a creative session for top innovation managers from 13 industries to explore new ways to leverage Blockchain to their business’ advantage in the fields of med tech, energy, rail, construction, retail, education. Four different use cases in four selected industries were identified. Each use case provided a vivid, innovative example of how the technology behind blockchain could create unprecedented.

Project Lead
Linda Armbruster
Director Collaborative Innovation
Linda holds an M.A. in Strategic Design from the design akademie berlin. As a trained Design Thinker from the Potsdam and Stanford d.school, co-founder of Spark Works and lecturer at the ETHZ, she builds and leads research and training programs in the private and public sector, blending methods grounded in Human-Centred Design to inform and inspire insight-driven innovation.

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